What If My Gums Bleed Excessively After Dental Implant Surgery?
What If My Gums Bleed Excessively After Dental Implant Surgery?
Blog Article
Gums may bleed excessively after dental implant surgery for many reasons. The surgery is a safe and effective way to replace teeth, and while some mild bleeding is normal after surgery, excessive or prolonged bleeding could indicate a problem that requires intervention. If you experience this type of situation, knowing what possibly could be the cause of it and getting a solution can help you manage the situation effectively.
Common Causes for Excessive Bleeding in Dental Implant Cases
Blood-Thinning Medications: Medications like aspirin or anticoagulants may impair clotting and prolong bleeding.
Improper Aftercare: Undue manipulation of the mouth by rinsing, spitting, or using a straw may significantly hamper the healing.
Medical Conditions: Pre-existing conditions, such as diabetes or hypertension, may lead to increased bleeding.
Tissue trauma: Eating something hard or applying unfavourable pressure could agitate the surgical site, worsening the bleeding.
Infection or inflammation of the gums: An infection in the area of the implant will typically swell and bleed.
What Steps to Take
Slight Pressure: Bite clean gauze over the implant site for about 30-45 min to help foster clotting.
Don't Rinse Yet: Don't rinse your mouth for the first 24 hours following surgery.
Stay Upright: Keep your head elevated while sleeping to minimize blood flow to the surgical site.
Coldness: Apply ice packs to the area outside the cheek to help limit swelling and bleeding.
Avoid cigarette and alcohol: These will negatively affect the healing process.
Should bleeding go on for 24 hours or longer or begin to become worse, then contact a dentist. The specialists at Smile Again Dental Clinic guarantee proper post-surgical care for a smooth recovery.
When to Seek Professional Assistance
Call your dentist if:
❏ Bleeding does not stop beyond 24 hours with continuous pressure on gauze.
❏ Severe pain and swelling, along with the bleeding
❏ Bad taste in the mouth or signs of infection
❏ Dizziness or weakness from excessive blood loss
For expert care and long-lasting results in dental implants, contact Smile Again Dental Clinic for best dental implants in Mumbai. Our specialists provide thorough advice and treatment to ensure the success of your implant recovery. Please contact us to schedule your appointment if you are having any issues with the healing process.